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Edinburgh’s Garden District aerial and plan

Edinburgh’s Garden District

Edinburgh’s Garden District (EGD) will form an important cornerstone in delivering much needed new housing for Edinburgh. It is one of the most important development projects in Scotland.

Extending to 675 acres (250 ha) the new District will deliver up to 9,000 new homes offering a mixture of housing ranges and tenures and include up to 3,000 new affordable homes. Delivered in up to 5 new communities these new homes will be located next to jobs and integrate with and develop existing infrastructure creating an exciting new neighbourhood.

The new homes will be  for families who wish to live in close proximity to existing employment and shops and with good accessibility and connectivity to the City. Active travel will be encouraged through existing and improved public transport, pedestrian and cycling networks. The new homes will be complemented by a mixture of supporting uses and facilities including high quality public and green spaces.

All parts of the new neighbourhood  will embrace sustainability principles, providing access to infrastructure that will include schools, neighbourhood centres and health facilities and will  integrate with existing communities delivering inclusive growth and improved connectivity.

A planning application in principle was submitted in September 2015 for the first phase of the Garden District at Redheughs Village  and approved at City of Edinburgh Council planning  committee in June 2016. Following Call in by Scottish Ministers in 2016 the development finally secured Resolution to Grant  in May 2020.