Hermiston Park

Hermiston Park

This 321 acre (130 ha) site lying immediately adjacent to Heriot-Watt University’s Edinburgh campus will provide an important hub for the southern Garden District, creating a new neighbourhood of over 4,000 new homes.

The new neighbourhood will include over 1400 new affordable homes and will be masterplanned and designed to complement the existing University community and established neighbourhoods at Murrayburn, Westerhailes, Baberton and the Calders. The development will deliver new sustainable transport connections that capitalise on the existing infrastructure and build on the physical connectivity to the existing communities. Plans include a new green land bridge linking Hermiston Park to the western neighbourhoods ensuring that all share in the economic growth in the area.

Local convenience shopping and a range of community facilities will be located immediately adjacent to the University entrance. Education provision will include a primary school and could provide  the home for a new high school serving the broader district. A range of densities and housing types will provide opportunities for key worker and mature student housing in the core village area and family housing to the periphery of the site. Enjoying excellent transport links the new community will have a choice of bus and tram services as well as established walking and cycling links making an important contribution to the Green Network.